Finally Speaking Out: MyCAA new rules and regulations=EPIC FAIL

Mr. Government,

I have finally calmed down enough to actually write my opinion on the matter of the new MyCAA rules and regulations. I am beyond disappointed with the DOD and I want to make you aware of that. Here are the points that I want to make about your "new and improved" MyCAA (eye roll/big sigh).

You did a big fat slap in the face with this one. A HUGE slap to every single military spouse out there. I first want to say that this quote “The Defense Department is committed to investing in military families.  When we invest in the well-being of the family, we invest in the well-being of the force.” is entirely UNTRUE. 

How can you sit there and say that you "invest in the well-being of the family" when you have taken away a vital resource to many of the military spouses out there. You are choosing people for this program based on rank. RANK?!?!?! Yes, those in the lower ranks make less money. Most of them are also very young and not married with kids. My husband is an E-6 and has a wife, going to college, and 2 kids. I can't get a job because I move around so much that I have no experience. I am a year away from my Bachelor's degree but that doesn't matter to companies. I can't catch a break. So not only do we have two young kids to take care of but also are on one income...A MILITARY income which gets us by, for now.

And since we move around so much, I am trying to at least get an associates degree in a "portable career" so that I can get a job while moving around. Since I've already used a TON of student loans to finish my current degree without any help, I decided to use MyCAA for that purpose. But my husband is an E-6 so I can't do that anymore because we can supposedly afford this ourselves except for the fact that, well, we can't. 

You're solution to this....use your spouses GI Bill. Um, what about him. That is for him, not for me. If he wants to go to school down the road, he has that and if he doesn't want to do that, well then it's being saved for our kids. So again, FAIL!

And how can you decide who is in the greatest need for this? What about the younger ranked who are married and both have a good job, oh and with no kids? Well, they still get their school paid for by you Mr. Government. There is more to look at when you are trying to see who is in the "greatest need" besides rank. 

Mr. Government, I want to say that you failed in researching this program. If you would have taken the time and surveyed military spouses, you would have found the HUGE demand for this program. The fact is that every military spouse wants to advance their career or have an education. Even if it is just an AA degree. I don't even care about that. I care about the fact that you promised us some help with school and you have now taken that away from LOADS of military spouses. LOADS of us!

But you invest in the well being of the military family. Well, I'll tell you one thing Mr. Government. You have a load of pissed of military families out there right now. What are YOU going to do to change that?

2 shout outs:

Brittany said...

Well said, my dear.

I'm a beach girl at heart! said...

Thanks :)

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