Dear Fried Food

I just wanted to let you know that I thank you for taking away my stress and PMS for the next hour or so. Then I will be cursing myself for eating you and trying to figure out when I can get to the gym to lose some weight and tone up my muscles that feel like jell-o. Then I will remember that my life is absolute chaos right now so I won't be able to get to the gym anytime soon and I will curse you some more.


I need a VACAY!

I am in desperate need of a trip of some sort. I love to travel and unfortunately, as of this moment in time, we have no money to travel. This makes me want to go insane.

The hubs and I had a little disagreement last night...he said something that really started making me think and think hard. We were talking about going out and having a good time. He ALWAYS is the one that gets to go out and I am stuck with the kids. Problem is, we are in a new place where I have one friend who I have known since high school. The hubs on the other hand has numerous. Of course, he says this is my fault, I should be making more friends and I asked him how I was supposed to do that when I am a stay at home mom and the lovely base we are at doesn't have an FRG that I am aware of nor does it hold many events. *Sigh* Anyways, that's not the part that made me think. He then said that I was content staying at home watching movies...

I have always thought the same but this is simply not true. I don't like staying home. I love to TRAVEL! I would love to go places and stay the weekend and explore and have fun. I don't do the bar scene anymore really...he's right there..not unless I'm with a lot of people in a non smoky environment (too much smoke makes me want to puke). Case and point..the hubs went out last night and had to strip before entering our room because he smelled so strongly of smoke from the bar they went to. I want to go all these places and just kick back and relax. I want my kids to be able to go and see the world and all of its beauty. There is one tiny problem. We just don't have the money right now.

So I'm making a vow to myself. I am going to, as soon as we can, put some money in a travel fund. I have to. For my sanity. So to my dear hubby, you were right...well, ok, not totally right but you had a valid point. I think my points were more so valid (that is a whole different post that shall be entitled "DOUBLE STANDARD WORLD" ) but you have a point. Just know that while I may seem content watching movies and hanging at the hizzy, I am, in fact, dreaming of where I will be traveling to first!

Someone Help A Sister OUT!

I need a job....sigh...I really need a job.

I know, I this economy jobs are scarce. I understand that. But with each "thank you but we're pursuing other candidates," letter I receive, the more and more depressed I am getting.

I like to think of myself as an intelligent person. I also like to think of myself as someone that can learn things very easily. What stinks the most is that I'm not even getting a chance. Due to certain circumstances, I haven't been able to work in the past few years. I'm sorry, but I thought staying home with my daughter while her daddy was gone in a warzone was a little more important. And since I didn't need the job and was going to school, I felt that was the best decision for me and my family. Boy do I wish I would have gotten a job.

Everyone these days wants experience and I simply don't have that. Forget the fact that I can not only work a computer but can troubleshoot a lot of problems on my own, I can learn any computer program needed in a very short amount of time and I am a pretty darn personable person. People generally like me and find me easy to talk to. I remember in my restaurant days, everyone wanted to tell me everything. It was horrible because I knew everything about everyone and so I just kept my mouth shut most of the time (BTW I don't recommend working in the restaurant industry if you want to get hired elsewhere. It doesn't work too well).

 I'm just tired of getting rejected from the jobs that I have applied for when I know I could do the job with my eyes closed and do it well. It's hard. I've been searching for almost 4 or 5 months now and nothing. To say that I'm frustrated doesn't even begin to describe how I am feeling. 

Fruit and Cottage Cheese-YUM-O

I absolutely love to try new foods and if I have had a food and haven't liked it, I'm game to try it again. But there has been one thing that I said I would NEVER try. Cottage cheese and fruit. Every single time someone said something about the two together, I would squish up my nose and say ewwww, even though I had never tried it. I like cottage cheese every now and then and finally tried it with a safe fruit...tomatoes! LOL! I know I know, not really a fruit but still a fruit. My husband loves this combo and now I do too!

But other than that, I never ventured out in the fruit department. I ate my cottage cheese with tomatoes and that was that. Until today.

I didn't want to have a big lunch today because I have to do dinner earlier due to my husband having to pull duty all night. So I thought I would have some fruit. Oranges, apples, kiwi. As I'm looking at all this deliciousness on my plate I figure out that this will not hold me over until dinner, even if it is earlier. So I look in my fridge and I see it staring me in the face saying, "please pick me." So I did. I gave the cottage cheese and the fruit a chance and tried it.

And I absolutely LOVE it! I can't explain why or how or any of it. I don't know why it goes so well together. I don't know how it tastes so good. What I do know is that I haven't even finished it and I'm stuffed. And I didn't make all that much. So good, so yummy, not heavy....a nice, light lunch to get me until dinner. My tummy thanks me for trying this out!

Done, Done, and...Well almost DONE

My last year of school. Ok, let's be realistic last year of my Bachelors in Business Administration. HALLELUJAH!

It has taken half a year longer than expected but hey, we can't always predict whats going to happen in our lives right? That half year was taken up with a new baby, a daughter that doesn't stop moving, and a move to a new place. So to say that I am pretty proud of myself is an understatement. I will, however, be stoked when I'm finished with this degree due to the fact that I don't think I am cut out for the business world.

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad that I am finishing this degree. But I definitely want to continue my education. And not with a masters. For some reason, I have never wanted to have a masters degree, except for when I wanted to do psychology in which case I would have gotten my Doctorates. Nope, I want to take what I learned from this degree and start pursuing something completely different. MEDICAL. No I do not want to be a doctor or a nurse for that matter. I'm not cut out for the blood. But I'm definitely moving towards respiratory therapist or radiography. Both of which I am completely interested in and would LOVE to do.

At the end of the day, I just want to help people. I want to go home knowing that I've done something to help someone. I don't know that I can do that with my business degree. It is a great degree to have because it can be used for so much and I love having the knowledge that I do now about the business world and how to start and manage a business. I just don't know that it's for me. At the time, it was a degree I could do all online which I needed with one and then two children and a husband deployed on and off. I just want more for myself. I am an overachiever most definitely.

So here's to the last year of this degree and hopefully I will be able to move on to bigger and better things next year for myself. I'm already starting a list of things that I want to do and I am going to do those things. I have been putting myself last for years now (I get that from my dad) and I am going to start doing things for me. I think everyone has to do things for themselves or they will just end up fading into the background and that's never good.

So wish me luck. One year to go! WOOT!

"I could use a wish right now"

I am absolutely in LOVE with this song! I could use a wish or two at the moment but I love it and thought I would share with everyone!

Finally Speaking Out: MyCAA new rules and regulations=EPIC FAIL

Mr. Government,

I have finally calmed down enough to actually write my opinion on the matter of the new MyCAA rules and regulations. I am beyond disappointed with the DOD and I want to make you aware of that. Here are the points that I want to make about your "new and improved" MyCAA (eye roll/big sigh).

You did a big fat slap in the face with this one. A HUGE slap to every single military spouse out there. I first want to say that this quote “The Defense Department is committed to investing in military families.  When we invest in the well-being of the family, we invest in the well-being of the force.” is entirely UNTRUE. 

How can you sit there and say that you "invest in the well-being of the family" when you have taken away a vital resource to many of the military spouses out there. You are choosing people for this program based on rank. RANK?!?!?! Yes, those in the lower ranks make less money. Most of them are also very young and not married with kids. My husband is an E-6 and has a wife, going to college, and 2 kids. I can't get a job because I move around so much that I have no experience. I am a year away from my Bachelor's degree but that doesn't matter to companies. I can't catch a break. So not only do we have two young kids to take care of but also are on one income...A MILITARY income which gets us by, for now.

And since we move around so much, I am trying to at least get an associates degree in a "portable career" so that I can get a job while moving around. Since I've already used a TON of student loans to finish my current degree without any help, I decided to use MyCAA for that purpose. But my husband is an E-6 so I can't do that anymore because we can supposedly afford this ourselves except for the fact that, well, we can't. 

You're solution to this....use your spouses GI Bill. Um, what about him. That is for him, not for me. If he wants to go to school down the road, he has that and if he doesn't want to do that, well then it's being saved for our kids. So again, FAIL!

And how can you decide who is in the greatest need for this? What about the younger ranked who are married and both have a good job, oh and with no kids? Well, they still get their school paid for by you Mr. Government. There is more to look at when you are trying to see who is in the "greatest need" besides rank. 

Mr. Government, I want to say that you failed in researching this program. If you would have taken the time and surveyed military spouses, you would have found the HUGE demand for this program. The fact is that every military spouse wants to advance their career or have an education. Even if it is just an AA degree. I don't even care about that. I care about the fact that you promised us some help with school and you have now taken that away from LOADS of military spouses. LOADS of us!

But you invest in the well being of the military family. Well, I'll tell you one thing Mr. Government. You have a load of pissed of military families out there right now. What are YOU going to do to change that?

My Mother's Garden

My mom has a beautiful garden, one that I wish I could have at the moment, but mine will have to wait until I'm somewhat permanent. I never used to have any interest in gardening until, well, until now. It's something that my daughter and I do together and something that I can talk to my mom about and I love that! But I wanted to share the beauty with you...these are all from my mom's garden.

I want it to stop

I want it to stop!

I have been very stressed as of late and have had various reasons for the stress. I just want it to all go away. I am a person that tries to look at the positive of everything. I haven't always been like this but when your husband goes away to a warzone, looking at the positives is something that saves your sanity. So I have transformed into this optimist. I keep telling myself that things will fall into place and that things will happen when they happen but while I keep saying this to myself, I keep getting more and more stressed and I don't like it.

So instead of just saying things to myself, that things will happen when they happen, I am going to try and be more proactive. I'm going to try push the ball to make it roll instead of just watch the ball roll by. I have to. Why? I don't like who I am when I'm stressed. I yell more, I clean way too much, and I get these HORRIBLE stress headaches that never go away. I got one last night and it has lasted to this morning.

It's up to me to get things done for myself. I will not wait any longer for the moons to line up and everything to be perfect to get things to happen. I am tired of waiting. It's time to start doing!

MyCAA for military spouses

I am very upset at the new changes to this program. So upset that I don't think I should be blogging about it but one of my bestest friends (who is also a military spouse) blogged about it and I completely agree with her. So go check it out HERE for the new info out there. I will be sulking and cleaning up the kitchen because I clean when I'm mad!

Never Say Goodbye

I have been sitting here for a good 30 minutes trying to figure out the best way to write this post. It is something that is not easily said but something that I want to say to help others get through this the best way possible.

I can't sit here and say a deployment is hard. This is obvious. What I can sit here and say is how I got through them. What I did that helped and made them bearable. Because let's face it, all we can do is make them bearable. These are things that I did to help me get through the deployments and they won't work for everyone but they did help me.

1-Don't watch the news- I learned this the second deployment. The media has a nasty way of stretching the truth. Not only that but you will know before anyone else if something has happened or is happening. If I saw something on the internet about things going on over yonder, I would close out and think as many happy thoughts as I could. If someone called me telling me to look at the news, had I heard anything, is everything ok, I would simply say "yes" and then patiently, ok not patiently, but I would keep myself busy until I heard from him letting me know that everything was ok. DO NOT WATCH THE NEWS!

2-Do what's best for your relationship-My husband was worried about me, and when I say worried about me, I mean he worried about everything.  We came to an agreement that I would move home to be closer to our family. I didn't have friends in the area at the time and nothing holding me to where we lived so I was more than willing, especially with our first baby on the way. It was what worked for us and I was happy to do anything that would make him worry about me a little less.

3-Always have your phone on you-As a military spouse, you learn really quick that as soon as you don't have your phone on you, they will call. If you work, try to make arrangements with your soldier and with your boss about phone calls.

4-No you are not superman/superwoman-You can cry, you can get emotional. Everyone always thinks of our soldiers as the brave ones and they are AMAZINGLY BRAVE but so are we. So are the spouses and family that they leave behind for that time they are gone. We have to be strong for everyone and sometimes we think that we have to be superman/woman and never show that emotion. I tried not to and I made sure people knew that I didn't want to talk about it unless I brought it up. Don't be afraid to talk about what you are going through but also don't feel that you have to.

5-Stop Fighting- The month before your loved one leaves is probably the hardest. So much has to be done and everyone is stressed and emotional. Do what you can not to fight. I know it sounds hard and it is hard. But those days are precious and you don't want to spend them fighting. Talk as much as possible about what you are feeling and going through and stick together through it all.

6-NEVER SAY GOODBYE-The hubs and I never say goodbye. Saying goodbye seemed too final when going through that situation. Say anything or say nothing but NEVER SAY GOODBYE!

Book Review-Water For Elephants

I have been debating on reading this book for awhile now. I would always pick it up and put it back down. My mom had it so I thought I would just borrow it from her but I never got around to it. Well, we just got back from visiting our family in Florida and I was out of books to read. So I went through my mom's bookshelves (and their are a TON). I asked her which books she had liked and she starts pulling out book after book after book, one of them being Water For Elephants. She said she loved it so I thought I would give it a try.

The book is WONDERFUL! It is set in a circus and not the circuses of today but the ones back in the day. When they would arrive on train, set up, do a little circus parade and be on their way. Like the circus in Dumbo. I would have LOVED to go to one of those circuses! So right off the back I'm hooked. I wanted to know everything about how they ran those things. I knew going into the book that it wasn't a glamorous life. I knew that the people and the animals weren't treated the best too,.After reading the book, that is a huge understatement unless you had the right people around to take care of the animals and look after the people.

It is definitely a must read, in my opinion. I loved it from start to finish. Very emotional and you just feel in love with some of the characters. Others you loved to hate. It was absolutely amazing!

ME-0 and the BEE-1

Oh what a day...I try to be nice and it ends up biting me in the ass....

So after my daughter woke up from her nap, I decided to be nice and take her outside to play. Why is this nice you ask? Well, with the heat index, the high was 101 today. So yes, taking her outside was very nice of me!

Anywho-we are renting the house we are in right now and the back yard is something that needs a lot of work. I have grass (well weeds) on one side and that good ole Georgia clay on the other. I've been working on it since we moved in and it is a slow process due to the overwhelming heat that we've been dealing with. So while little miss is playing in her sandbox, I decided to look around. I thought I had caught a glimpse of some poison ivy and thought I would take a look. I had already pulled a bunch and I guess it decided to come back and stay awhile. So I'm sitting there pulling these wonderful weeds up and out of nowhere a freakin bee stings that crap out of my arm. I mean this bee was on a mission. I don't know if I pulled his weed of choice to hang out on but he wanted me away and well he did a good job because I sure as hell ran into the house dragging my daughter with me!

I most definitely scared her and when I told her what happened she decided it would be fun to pretend she had gotten stung, which was absolutely the cutest thing ever because even though she had gotten "stung" she was still trying to take care of me!

So I guess I could change the score to ME-1 and the BEE-1 because I will sleep better at night knowing that the bee that thoguht it would be fun to sting me, lives no more!

"Cuz I'm Almost There!"

Yes, if anyone has seen the Princess and the Frog, that is a direct quote and I feel that fits perfectly into what I've been accomplishing today.

I have been working on this blog all morning and I finally have it to where I'm almost completely happy with it. I am a perfectionist, so this task is usually a hard one for me. I am almost there, not quite but almost :)

This blog is my blog. I have my other one, Raising Chaos, which I LOVE and I will be keeping up to date. I thought I would switch it up a bit and use that one solely to help parents and parents to be. Some of the stories that I wanted to share just didn't fit on a blog that was based on children so I thought I would start up a new blog. One that would be about me, things I go through, and of course my beautiful family. I will use it for book reviews and anything that I really feel the urge to write about.

So take a peak in how life is the way that I live it!