Fruit and Cottage Cheese-YUM-O

I absolutely love to try new foods and if I have had a food and haven't liked it, I'm game to try it again. But there has been one thing that I said I would NEVER try. Cottage cheese and fruit. Every single time someone said something about the two together, I would squish up my nose and say ewwww, even though I had never tried it. I like cottage cheese every now and then and finally tried it with a safe fruit...tomatoes! LOL! I know I know, not really a fruit but still a fruit. My husband loves this combo and now I do too!

But other than that, I never ventured out in the fruit department. I ate my cottage cheese with tomatoes and that was that. Until today.

I didn't want to have a big lunch today because I have to do dinner earlier due to my husband having to pull duty all night. So I thought I would have some fruit. Oranges, apples, kiwi. As I'm looking at all this deliciousness on my plate I figure out that this will not hold me over until dinner, even if it is earlier. So I look in my fridge and I see it staring me in the face saying, "please pick me." So I did. I gave the cottage cheese and the fruit a chance and tried it.

And I absolutely LOVE it! I can't explain why or how or any of it. I don't know why it goes so well together. I don't know how it tastes so good. What I do know is that I haven't even finished it and I'm stuffed. And I didn't make all that much. So good, so yummy, not heavy....a nice, light lunch to get me until dinner. My tummy thanks me for trying this out!

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